Monday, March 2, 2009

FCLS Spring Newsletter Available

Please check the library website or the desk at your local public library for the spring newsletter. It covers all the exciting things happening at libraries March through May.

Here's a few tidbits to tempt you...
Today is "Read Across America Day", Dr. Seuss's birthday!
We are participating in the ECECEP Children's Fair on March 28 at the Church of the Brethren
on South Fourth Street in Chambersburg
Kick-off of "One Book, Every Young Child" on April 1 in Harrisburg
Captain Coyle's Cook Off on April 17 at Coyle
Books 2 Eat Exhibit and Silent Auction at Grove Family Library on April 18
Friends of Grove Book and Bake Sale on May 8 & 9
Spring House Tour in and around Chambersburg on May 31
Great activities for youth and teens, including a video contest

Check out all the library events and information online on in a paper copy of the Lifelong Learning Almanac. If you would like to have it emailed or snail-mailed to you door, please contact