Saturday, December 13, 2008

Buy Cool Gifts, Help the Libraries

Did you know that you could purchase your Christmas gifts at one of your favorite libraries and help them raise money for their projects? Try out these wonderful and economic gifts:

Coyle pewter and stained glass ornaments

Grove cookbooks and clothing

Plus notecards and totebags at Besore, Grove and Coyle.
Everything is $15 or less. I also have some copies of Franklin County Reads Northwest Wilderness Adventures books for adults and teens left in stock. Contact me at for the remaining booklist.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Updates, Updates, Updates

  • FCLS's new Preschool Book Buggy has hit the road under the management of Lisa Skiles

  • 12 FCLS employees received Community Emergancy Response Team (CERT) and CPR training in Septmber and October

  • Yesterday FCLS held in-service training for 60 library staff members from Franlin and Fulton Counties, including 3 hours of training for mandated reports of child abuse

  • Chambersburg/Franklin County Reads Northwest Wilderness Adventures has attracted more than 1400 people to programs and activities, but one focus of the program is literature -- Shelley Gill's visit was especially popular -- visit the "Recommended Reading" list on today to select a book for purchase or library check out -- there will be book discussions on November 20 at Grove and Besore Libraries, on Call of the Wild and Jason's Gold, respectively -- sign up at the libraries today

I, and several other librarians will be in King of Prussia the first half of next week for the Pennsylvania Library Association conference. We always bring back wonderful ideas for new programs and collection development.

Friday, July 25, 2008

College Intern Needed

I need one additional English or American Studies major to intern at Franklin County Library System in the coming fall or spring 2009 semesters. The intern would be working with me on book discussion guides for the "American Album" program, creating book discussion totes on American themes for groups of senior citizens, teens and adults. The intern might develop the discussion questions, lead discussions, assist teens in interviewing and recording senior citizens, and in editing videos clips for addition to the library collection.

If you or someone you know might be interested, please contact me at

Thank you.

Grove Phone-a-thon

I would like to thank all the volunteers and staff who worked over the last 3 days to phone almost 1200 residents about donating to Grove Building Fund to help reduce the debt! I also thank Smith, Elliott, Kearns & Company LLC for allowing our volunteers to use their telephones for 3 evenings! I believe the event was a great success. Many people committed to donations. We will not know the monetary results until their checks start rolling in, because often they needed to consult with a spouse before deciding on an amount.

Early next week, everyone who received a call will receive a follow-up mailing. During the second quarter of this year, we received more than $37,000 in new commitments to Grove campaign. The Ssytem Annual Appeal is also doing well. Thank you donors, one and all. We are approaching the $600,000 level on the remaining principal in the Grove mortgage. We have come a long way from $1 million, ALMOST HALF WAY! We at the library understand that money is tight for everyone this year. We hope that finances will be better for everyone soon. Meanwhile, remember the libraries in your planned giving, so we can continue bringing the best in information, media, programs and services to the fine residents of Franklin County.

Saturday, July 5, 2008

State Budget Brings Sad News for Public Libraries

Today, I received the news that the 2008-2009 state budget includes only level funding for public libraries. In all fairness to the legislators, with the state of the economy, maybe it was too much to expect an increase this year. However, please remember that inflation is way beyond its normal mark this year. That means that all costs have increased significantly for our public libraries. Thanks to the increase granted by the County Commissioners last fall, we will be able to keep doors open and services rolling, I hope. The biggest question mark is about fuel and utility costs. They keep jumping!

Please remember your favorite library and give what you are able to annual and capital fund drives. Library services would suffer greatly without your generosity. Thanks to all who give money, time, and talents and to those who wrote to their legislators in support of public library funding. Without those letters and emails, we might have been one of the agencies to experience cuts.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

New Head Start Partnership

I am excited to tell you about a new project that developed out of my attendance at the Governor's Institute on Pre-K learning last week. Three teachers from Franklin County Head Start and I were on a team together, which decided to create a new online support group of early childhood educators, caregivers, and children's public library staff. We will be sharing information on a new blog at Look there for information on the social and emotional wellness of preschoolers and ideas on how to apply that information to preschool education and parenting. We hope to eventually create a new webpage with links to great whole child resources online.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Walkers & Phoners Needed

Do you enjoy taking a walk down a pleasant street? If you do, Grove Family Library needs your help on one comfortable morning or afternoon to disribute gift bags through a nearby neighborhood. 2,500 gift bags have already been delivered to doorknobs in Guilford and Greene Townships by wonderful volunteers. Another 500 bags are ready for your wlling hands and feet.

Do you enjoy chatting on the telephone? If you do, Grove Family Library can use your help for 90 minutes on the evenings of July 22-24 for their capital campaign phone-a-thon. Enjoy a party atmosphere while you chat.

To assist with either project contact Jill Myers (264-9863) or Amy Wertz (709-0282 x216). We would appreciate your help, which reduces the mortgage on Grove Family Library.

Summer Reading Is For Everyone!

Catch the Reading Bug! I belong to the summer reading club. It's great! No matter what your age or what genre you enjoy reading, sign up today. Let's show the rest of Pennsylvania that Franklin County can read more books! If you register to read, and keep your record, you can win prizes while enjoying any book you want.

For teens and children, there are many exciting activities. Check the event calendar on our main webpage or visit the children's or teen's page of your closest library for details. Metamorphasize your life @ the library to fill those lazy days of summer or vacation.

Parents, did you know that participation in library reading and activities during the summer is the best way to keep your children's minds stimulated and ready to begin the next year of school? Some families have even discovered that the fun atmosphere of summer reading clubs in public libraries create a fresh love of reading in students who struggle during the school year. Encourage your child's participation by signing up yourself. Families who read together, learn together! Catch the Reading Bug, Together! You will never regret it.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Franklin County Public Library Week

Yesterday, Franklin County Commissioners presented library representatives with a proclamation naming this week -- May 18-24, 2008 -- Franklin County Public Library Week! This is the 3rd year of this event and the 10th year of Franklin county Library System's existence. The Commissioners cited the positive impact of local public libraries on protecting democracy and supporting lifelong learning across the county, despite recent irregularities in funding. They also indcated that response to the recent county library tax increase has been nothing but positive.

Since the Annual Appeal mailing went out today, this is a great time to celebrate public libraries county-wide by giving from your heart! While county library funding is at its all-time high, many community library needs remain uncovered, such as building renovations and the continued astronomic increases in utilities. County funds have brought us closer to bridging the gap, but NOT taken the Library System to where you (the customer) want it to be.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

I'm So Excited and Honored

Representing the Lions of District 14-T (Dauphin, Franklin, Juniata, and Perry Counties), District Governor Frank Wedig of Harrisburg, honored the community service of Bernice Crouse, Executive Director of the Franklin County Library System. Mrs. Crouse, of Chambersburg, has worked tirelessly to expand and improve library services in the county. Lions Clubs International emphasizes recognition of citizens who make important contributions to their community, reflecting the Lions motto: We Serve.
He presented her with a framed print of the winning 2007 Lions International Children’s Peace Poster ("Peace Around the World") at a dinner hosted by the Chambersburg Evening Lions.

Friday, March 28, 2008

Volunteers Needed!

This spring Franklin County Library System needs a number of volunteers to assist with a variety of special tasks in support local library and county-wide initiatives. Grove Family Library needs people to help with copying, stuffing, canvassing communities, making phone calls, and brainstorming new ideas. Coyle Free Library needs community members to serve on its Building Program Committee and Steeering Committe for a future capital campaign. Both Grove and Coyle need volunteers to help with the Spring House Tour on June 1.

The Library System needs volunteers to do behind-the-scenes preparation for reading programs, for children, teens, and adults, and to sort through book donations and plan a major book sale. We also need community respresentation on various committees.

Please contact Jill Snyder at 264-9863 or Erica Pryor at 709-0282 x209 for ideas of how your talents can be best utilized and to sign up as a volunteer, whether short-term or long-term.
All libraries can use volunteers to assist with special projects and weekly routines. So if you care, and have time to give, call today. We can use your help in a community close to you.

Career Planning?

Beginning on April 1, 2008, you will be able to get a free token at a local public library to plan your career and its development online through a great service called ACT Discover! Your token will open a world of interest, ability, and values' inventories, related career ideas and information, and a database of education information to you. Tokens are available from Coyle Free and Grove Family Libraries in Chambersburg, Besore Memorial Library in Greencastle, Alexander Hamilton Library in Waynesboro, and Fulton County Library in McConnellsburg. Once registered to use the service, users may login from any computer on the Internet to continue their inventories and searches for information. Don't forget that the library website, has other wonderful free resources to help you choose and develop careers, select colleges and technical schools, locate scholarships and loans, and prepare for standardized tests.

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Preschool Bookmobile Coming Soon

This week Franklin County Library System purchased a lightly-used health-screening vehicle from Franklin County for a sealed bid of $20,000. After interior refurbishment, mechanical service, and repainting are complete, the 2002 specialty van with less than 2,000 miles on it, will hit the road as FCLS's new preschool bookvan.

We expect to be able to complete the work, and put the preschool bookvan into operation before the end of 2008, thanks to the support of Patricia and Michael Hurt, T. B. Woods, Altra Industrial Motion, Genstar LLC, the Rotary Clubs of Chambersburg, Greencastle, Mercersburg, and Waynesboro, and Franklin County government. $42,000 is in hand to pay for the van and refurbishment, with another $58,000 committed to the project over the next 4 years.

The goal of the preschool bookvan is to expand outreach service to additional preschool educational and childcare centers throughout Franklin County. If you represent such a facility and would like to be considered for the expanded service later this year, please contact Bookmobile/Outreach Librarian Amanda Flagle, at or 264-9863, who is overseeing the project.

Federal Grant Approved for New Project!

"An American Album", a new book discussion and local history project is coming to Franklin and Fulton County public libraries. The project, designed by me, was approved for $10,500 in funding under the Library Techology & Services Act from the Institute for Museum and Library Services, for implementation later this year.

American Album is a two-phase project: (1) creating discussion kits of paperback books and study guides on the theme of American History for local groups, then (2) stimulating local senior citizens and teens to work together to digitally videorecord oral history to DVD for local library collections.

During creation and implementation of "Blast From the Past", an American History public library program targeting the families of elementary students, we discovered the plethora of personal memories that came from grandparents attending the programs, their personal stories of World War II, the Great Depression, and much more. Sadly these stories are being lost, as grandparents and great-grandparents forget or pass away.

Phase one of the project will stimulate book discussion groups to ponder their own American History. Phase two will bring teenage techies together with other generations to learn about their heritage, while creating a permanent record of it.

If anyone out there is or knows any teenagers, senior citizens, or adults who may be interested in helping with this project later in 2008 and early 2009, please contact me.

VHS Loans Free!

Beginning Monday, March 3, all VHS viceocassettes will circulate for free from Franklin County Library System facilities. No more rental fees for VHS recordings! They will also check out for 2 weeks instead of 2 nights or 1 week. This applies to both entertainment and educational VHS recordings and to educational DVDs. Rental fees will only apply to entertainment DVDs.

This is a direct resut of the recent county increase in public library funding. Thank you, Franklin County Commissioners and taxpayers!

Overdue fines on videos will remain $0.50 per day, so please return them on time.

Happy Birthday, Dr. Seuss!

While Dr. Suess (Theodore Seuss Geisel), author of many wonderful books for early readers, is no longer with us, we continue to celebrate his birthday with "Read Across America Day". This afternoon, representatives of Franklin County Library System are joining employees of the Chambersburg Target Store in commemorating Dr. Seuss by reading some of his wonderful books. You may be aware that Horton Hears a Who is being released as a feature film in theaters near us this month. Even those who do not know Dr. Seuss intimately may be aware that one of his most famous stories, How the Grinch Stole Christmas, has been in movie form for several years.

My personal favorite is Green Eggs and Ham, which I hope to read this afternoon between 1:00 and 3:00 pm. at Target. Hope to see you there. And don't forget to "Read Across America" today, and all week!

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Expanded Hours at Grove Family Library, March 3

We have been listening to you! Beginning Monday, March 3, Grove Family Library will be opening its doors at 9:00 a.m. The new schedule is Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday 9:00-8:00, Wednesday and Friay 9:00-6:00, and Saturday 9:00-4:00. The increased hours were enabled by the 2008 increase in county library tax. Thank you, taxpayers! Thank you, County Commisioners!

Writers and Artists of All Ages Wanted

Like to write poetry? Like to create posters? Want to tell what the library has done for you? Franklin County Library System is holding its first Poetry, Essay, and Poster Contest now! Preschoolers can enter a coloring and naming contest for the future Preschool Bookmobile. The deadline for entries is March 15. Prizes will be awarded at your local library and county level. Winners will be announced April 12 at during the Books2Eat exhibit at Grove Family Library. Stop at your local public library for contest rules and your entry blank. You can make this a special time of celebrating libraries. The Books2Eat exhibit will usher in the other festivities of National Library Week.

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Library Ideas

Female Detective Book Club?

I have been thinking about starting a book discussion group at St. Thomas Library featuring women sleuths like Stephanie Plum (Janet Evanovich), Kay Scarpetta (Patricia Cornwell), Joanna Brady andAli Reynolds (J.A. Jance), Alexandra Cooper (Linda Fairstein), Temperance Brennan (Kathy Reichs), Maura Isles (Tess Gerritsen), Tess Monaghan (Laura Lippman), Anna Pigeon (Nevada Barr), Sharon McCone (Marcia Muller), Kinsey Millhone (Sue Grafton), Irene Kelly (Jan Burke), and the Women's Murder Club (James Patterson, et al.). Would anyone be interested? I could probably hold it on a Monday or Thursday afternoon or evening or on a Saturday morning or afternoon per month. We would generally use paperback copies to keep the price down for participants. So most months would cost less than $4.00 per book. Some copies of each title would be available as free loans form the library system. The group would select the author/series/title for each session. We could start with suggestions made here. Please let me know if other libraries along the Route 30 corridor or other days and times would be preferred. I will try to be flexible to respond to the greatest interest.

Library News

Did you know that:
  • Grove Family Library will be open more hours starting March 3?
  • Besore Memorial Library's new director Laura Greenlee is taking up her post when Barb Schuit leaves on February 22?
  • Coyle Free Library is offering Spanish for English-speakers on Fridays at 1:00 p.m? Class size is limited, so contact Raphael at 263-1054 to register.
  • Alexander Hamilton Library recently hired a new children's librarian, Emily Sharp
  • Plans for a new preschool bookmobile are under way with financial help from our friends at T.B. Woods, Altra Industrial Motion, Genstar, and the Rotary Clubs of Franklin County?
  • Governor Rendell released his 2008-2009 budget recommendation with a modest increase for public libraries, still not enough to earn Franklin County public libraries the State Aid increase to match the recent increase by the County Commissioners?