Friday, July 25, 2008

College Intern Needed

I need one additional English or American Studies major to intern at Franklin County Library System in the coming fall or spring 2009 semesters. The intern would be working with me on book discussion guides for the "American Album" program, creating book discussion totes on American themes for groups of senior citizens, teens and adults. The intern might develop the discussion questions, lead discussions, assist teens in interviewing and recording senior citizens, and in editing videos clips for addition to the library collection.

If you or someone you know might be interested, please contact me at

Thank you.

Grove Phone-a-thon

I would like to thank all the volunteers and staff who worked over the last 3 days to phone almost 1200 residents about donating to Grove Building Fund to help reduce the debt! I also thank Smith, Elliott, Kearns & Company LLC for allowing our volunteers to use their telephones for 3 evenings! I believe the event was a great success. Many people committed to donations. We will not know the monetary results until their checks start rolling in, because often they needed to consult with a spouse before deciding on an amount.

Early next week, everyone who received a call will receive a follow-up mailing. During the second quarter of this year, we received more than $37,000 in new commitments to Grove campaign. The Ssytem Annual Appeal is also doing well. Thank you donors, one and all. We are approaching the $600,000 level on the remaining principal in the Grove mortgage. We have come a long way from $1 million, ALMOST HALF WAY! We at the library understand that money is tight for everyone this year. We hope that finances will be better for everyone soon. Meanwhile, remember the libraries in your planned giving, so we can continue bringing the best in information, media, programs and services to the fine residents of Franklin County.

Saturday, July 5, 2008

State Budget Brings Sad News for Public Libraries

Today, I received the news that the 2008-2009 state budget includes only level funding for public libraries. In all fairness to the legislators, with the state of the economy, maybe it was too much to expect an increase this year. However, please remember that inflation is way beyond its normal mark this year. That means that all costs have increased significantly for our public libraries. Thanks to the increase granted by the County Commissioners last fall, we will be able to keep doors open and services rolling, I hope. The biggest question mark is about fuel and utility costs. They keep jumping!

Please remember your favorite library and give what you are able to annual and capital fund drives. Library services would suffer greatly without your generosity. Thanks to all who give money, time, and talents and to those who wrote to their legislators in support of public library funding. Without those letters and emails, we might have been one of the agencies to experience cuts.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

New Head Start Partnership

I am excited to tell you about a new project that developed out of my attendance at the Governor's Institute on Pre-K learning last week. Three teachers from Franklin County Head Start and I were on a team together, which decided to create a new online support group of early childhood educators, caregivers, and children's public library staff. We will be sharing information on a new blog at Look there for information on the social and emotional wellness of preschoolers and ideas on how to apply that information to preschool education and parenting. We hope to eventually create a new webpage with links to great whole child resources online.