Next week, May 17-23, is Franklin County Public Library Week. County Commissioners took action Thursday to proclaim this a special week to celebrate our public libraries.
Fort Loudon is holding Cake Bingo on Wednesday, May 20, at 6:00 p.m. Play all games for a donation of $3.00. Last year this event had a fullhouse, Standing Room Only crowd.
Celebrate your support of libaries by advocating full and fair state funding for PA public libraries for state fiscal year 2009-2010.
The recent PA Senate budget proposal cuts public library subsidy by 50%, equaling about a potential loss in revenue to Franklin County's public libraries of more than $425,000 per year. This is about 1/5 of the libraries' operating budget! The last time we experienced such a state cut, the libraries lost staff members, hours of operation, and customers got many fewer new books and materials and experienced many delays in service. This would be terrible, when more people than ever are taking advantage of public library materials, services, and programs to improve their quality of life, their job skills, and educate their young children.
Take heart! You can make a difference. The budget is not final. Both Governor Rendell and the House of Representatives have a less radical approach to cutting library funding. But please contact your favorite PA politician today in support of fully funded public libraries. Contact information for our local legislators is available elsewhere on the
http://www.fclspa.org/ website.
Thank you!