Thursday, September 9, 2010

Chambersburg Reads 2010

Chambersburg Reads to Inspire Service kicks off Monday, September 13 (National Literacy Day), 7:00 p.m. at Franklin Firehouse, with "Rising Stars: Celebrate Community Volunteerism". Join me there to hear award-winning motivational speaker Kathy Silks. You may know her from WITF, one of the organizers of the local "Reading Rainbow" programs of the 1990s. She is terrific! We will also present awards to 11 deserving local community volunteers and get a glimpse of their personal inspirational stories.

This event is being sponsored by Thrivent Financial for Lutherans, Franklin Fire Company, RSVP Capital Region, and the Chambersburg Reads Partners.
The next scheduled event is a Mural Painting Workshop at Grove Family Library on Saturday morning, September 25. Marti Yeager of Fayettville is the instructor. Please reserve your spot by September 20. (click website link below)

For more information on the calendar of events, recommended reading, organizations that need volunteers, and our sponsors visit Chambersburg Reads website . Chambersburg Reads is a two-month regional community reading program for Franklin and Fulton Counties.

Change Matters, You Can Make a Difference!

Hi, Everyone,

As you have no doubt already heard, the state has cut public libraries again this fiscal year. We will be operating on about $16,000 in invested annual appeal funds in 2010 to keep the status quo in programs, operating schedules, staff and new materials. Over the 2-year period, Franklin County has lost a total of over $250,000 per year in state funding to local public libraries. This is one-eighth of our previous budget.

We just heard that to balance the cuts in federal dollars to PA, Governor Rendeel is cutting public library funding by an additional 1.9%, immediately.

Even your spare change will make a difference. We figured out that if each person using each library through less than $1.00 into the donation jar on each visit to his/her favorite library over the following year, we could meet the budget this year and next year. Awesome thought! Maybe it is doable. Please pick up the "Change Matters" bookmarks at your library desk over the course of the next month our two and consider helping us meet a level 2011 budget.