This week, OverDrive e-book downloads join One-Click Digital audiobook downloads on our website.
Yes! A new format of the book debuts at Franklin County Library System and Fulton County Library.
Check out the variety of titles immediately available. More will be added on a monthly basis. You will notice they are available in as many as 3 different forms, Epub, Pdf, and Kindle. There are directions through the OverDrive link to help you register and download the format of your choice. These books are on loan from Franklin County Library System for FREE. The advent of the free library e-book download has come to our area.
We welcome your requests of titles at your local library or through my email address If you make the request at a local library desk make sure you indicate your format preference: e-book, e-audiobook; Epub, Pdf, or Kindle. Not all titles are readily available through library vendors in any or all formats, so please be patient with us as we build our collection.
We have not and are not abandoning the paper book. Many of our readers love to hold a traditional book in their hands. However, we are forced to remember that at one time literature was on stone or papyrus, so why not electronic devices, too? As always, we will continue to respond to your needs.
Thursday, November 3, 2011
Downloadable Books
Posted by
Bernice Crouse, Franklin County Library System
Thursday, November 03, 2011
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new services,
public libraries
Strategic Planning Progress
Our consultant from Tweed-Weber has led discussions of the wonderful survey input you provided with groups of staff and board leaders. The priorities for the next three years are developing out of the suggestions that you have made.
Thank you so much for your compliments to our staff and your overwhelming response that our libraries are important to you and your communities! We value your input and you as customers.
The winner of the Color Nook is being contacted, and we will make a public announcement very soon.
I will also update you when the plan is complete.
Thank you so much for your compliments to our staff and your overwhelming response that our libraries are important to you and your communities! We value your input and you as customers.
The winner of the Color Nook is being contacted, and we will make a public announcement very soon.
I will also update you when the plan is complete.
Posted by
Bernice Crouse, Franklin County Library System
Thursday, November 03, 2011
No comments:

public libraries,
strategic plan,
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