Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Franklin County Public Library Week

Yesterday, Franklin County Commissioners presented library representatives with a proclamation naming this week -- May 18-24, 2008 -- Franklin County Public Library Week! This is the 3rd year of this event and the 10th year of Franklin county Library System's existence. The Commissioners cited the positive impact of local public libraries on protecting democracy and supporting lifelong learning across the county, despite recent irregularities in funding. They also indcated that response to the recent county library tax increase has been nothing but positive.

Since the Annual Appeal mailing went out today, this is a great time to celebrate public libraries county-wide by giving from your heart! While county library funding is at its all-time high, many community library needs remain uncovered, such as building renovations and the continued astronomic increases in utilities. County funds have brought us closer to bridging the gap, but NOT taken the Library System to where you (the customer) want it to be.

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