Friday, January 7, 2011

Cutbacks in Library Hours

No doubt by now most of you have seen something in the media about the cuts Franklin County public libraries have made in their operating hours for this year. The cuts were a direct reflection of the huge cuts we have experienced in state funding over the last 2 years.

Our staff fought a huge battle last year to remain customer-friendly in very tough working conditions. Every staff member had lost either pay or hours, and that was very hard on morale and energy level. I congratulate and thank them for serving you well under such advers conditions. This year by cutting the operating hours during times when each library was quieter, we were able to avoid any further cuts in pay. These same staff members are already significantly underpaid before the state cuts hit libraries. In 2009 and 2010, we were able to limit hour restrictions by cutting many other areas of the budget, but the additional cuts were crippling. There were no more options, when other costs continue to rise, ie utilities, insurance, library materials.

We all greatly appreciate the financial commitment of our local officials and donors. The steady county library tax, commitments from local governments and school districts, and generous donors who met our annual appeal goal for 2010 are now the backbone of our operating budget. The state cuts reduced that annual budget by 1/8th.


1 comment:

Darlene Miley said...

I am so sorry to hear of the cutbacks in library hours. The library is used now more than ever due to people having their own personal financial crisis. Would it be possible to post the new hours on the library websites? I believe the old hours are posted at this time. Thank you and have a wonderful day!